Merchant Initiated Fraud Detection

We continuously monitor your merchants' behaviour alerting you to suspicious changes and reporting irregular patterns

How it works?

We use cutting edge AI machine learning techniques to deliver continuous, real time assessment and long-term profiling of your merchants behavior. This pioneering AI makes possible the comparison of your merchants against our extensive and ever evolving dataset of comparable and contrastable merchants and their activities. This results in real time informative reporting so you can take action in time.

We profile merchants with normal activity and spot anomalies, identifying underlying trends that suggest risky merchant behavior, sending alerts in real time and reports when necessary.

Alerts when fraudulent merchants are identified

Merchant behavior can change quickly, your ability to spot these changes needs to be just as responsive. Our merchant initiated fraud detection tool alerts you immediately. It spots irregular behavior through a complex combination of AI based anomaly spotting paired with ongoing machine learning transaction fraud risk assessment. Allowing you to take action as it happens.

Reports identifying suspicious merchants

Indications that merchants are fraudulent can be subtle and often evolve gradually over time. This is where Fraudio really shines. Using our large networked dataset of merchant behavioral data and combining this with targeted retrieval and analysis of merchants unstructured data we utilize our super brain to build merchant profiles which can be used for ongoing merchant evaluation.

Spots emerging trends and adjusts for normal fluctuations in behaviour

By using techniques such as peer analysis and withdrawal pattern benchmarking combined with data enrichment from web data extraction our super brain learns as fraudulent behavior evolves and changes. Emerging trends, new scams, intermittent fraud and repeated schemes are all captured by Fraudios algorithms. Our AI also calibrates for seasonal fluctuations and event based activity to minimize false positives.

Networked machine learning artificial intelligence to detect merchant fraud results in:

Risk Teams Capacity Management

Better resource management and allocation of merchant risk investigation teams.

Instant Alerts

No lag in identifying merchants fraudulent behaviour. Mitigating losses.

Future Proof

Peace of mind that artificial intelligence is spotting emerging trends even in your newest merchants.

Streamline Onboarding

Competitive advantage of seamless merchant onboarding with careful monitoring from day one.

Fraudio empowered Viva Wallet to grow 7x in transactions, increase their risk teams' efficiency by 600% and generated an 8x return on investment.

“I see the bottom line. The bottom line is that each and every notification that Fraudio sends to us is taken very seriously and very promptly within our team. Every fraudulent transaction that is under the umbrella provided to us by Fraudio is caught very early on.”

Giorgios Gkionis

Chief Software Architect (Risk and AML) at Viva Wallet

Measure results yourself!

How about trying our solution and experiencing the next generation of fraud detection for yourself?